Thank You So Much for coming on this Board and posting.
I just got in and checked this thread.
Ummm. Ok. No mysteries. No cover-ups. OK. Good. The children truly belonged to the caretaker and wife. I can put my mind to rest as to with had happened to "the children". They were loved and brought up normal. What a relief to me eKaiser. I have seen a lot of evilness done to children and I felt afraid for those children being brought up around Rutherford & Friends. If I had a "bucker list" of things I wanted answers for, one would have been about your Grandpa Joseph and Great Aunt Bonnie, and what had happened to them. (Sigh of relief.)
Sounds like your Grandpa & Great Aunt Bonnie, had long and happy lives. Wow. That is great. That puts a smile on my face.
After reading a number of things about Rutherford, I realized he was a master BS'er. A "Magnificant Bastard". HIS manmade religion, ruled over millions of humble sheep, that were bamboozled by a cruel manic mastermind. Has anyone ever heard the word "Charismatic Leader"? There is no way, shape or form that Rutherford can ever be thought of as a "Christian" man, let alone a "Charitable" man. A lying, evil man, yes. An "anointed" man of God? Oh, give me a break!
Thank you, thank you, thank you for posting eKaiser.
You may PM (private message me, if you would like).
I would like to ask you if any of Joseph's or Bonnie's decendents became Rutherford's Jehovah's Witnesses?
Just Lois